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MELA 2011 Program


Middle East map

Welcome to the Middle East Leadership Academy (MELA)

MELA is looking for the best of the new generation of leaders from the region - Will you be one of them?

Between now and December 2010, 50 leaders from across 13 countries in the Middle East will be selected to attend the first ever Middle East Leadership Academy. We are looking for a new generation of decision makers who want to look beyond their professional horizons..

MELA will challenge your thinking in ways you could never imagine

This program is not easy. We are looking for the best people who know deep down they are leaders and want to not only become better, but want to join a network of other leaders across the region and the world. The program gives you the best and expects the best in return. You will be challenged, but you will also have fun.

MELA is no ordinary program

This is not a stand alone program that you attend and then leave behind. MELA is lifelong. Once the program is over you will become part of a leadership network of leaders with contacts across the world. MELA is about learning from other leaders that respect who you are regardless of your culture from across the region in an open atmosphere of cooperation and joint exploration. It is about leaders who look beyond your cultural and professional identity and see you as a leader first.

MELA is not about what you think, but how you think

MELA is 11 days of exposure to the best leadership training you will have ever experienced. In those 11 days something magical will happen. You will build lifelong bonds of trust with other leaders from business, government, education and the civil society from across the region and from your own country that ordinarily would take years to develop. They will be more than fellow participants -- they will be friends. All MELA instructors are successful leaders -- people who have proven they know how to lead and want to share everything they have learned about leading others. And they will learn from you.

MELA will not only increase your leadership ability but will give you access to leaders around the world

With MELA, 50 equals 1000. Where else can you go to a program and leave with 1000 contacts from around the region and access leaders from across the world? MELA is a living, breathing organism of people that will enable you to do things you never dreamed you could do. Upon completion of the MELA program you will automatically gain access to a network of hundreds of business and professional leaders in the US and Central Eurasia -- leaders who have shared the same experience of attending a similar program as MELA -- and be able to tap into their networks of hundreds more. The implications for personal and professional success are enormous. 

Are you up for the challenge?


Egypt Jordan Bahrain Saudi Arabia Lebanon Palestinian Territories
Arab Republic of Egypt Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Kingdom of Baharain Kingdom of Saudia Arabia Lebanese Republic Palestinian Territories
Iraq Yemen Kuwait Qatar Oman Syria United Arab Emirates
Republic of Iraq Republic of Yemen State of Kuwait State of Qatar Sultanate of Oman Syrian Arab Republic United Arab Emirates